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Native Language

Native Languages: Ojibwe                          Level 1– LNOAO                                         1 Credit


This course is open to the entire student body and will allow students who have no prior Native language experience to develop an appreciation for a Native language and culture, to explore and experience a unique worldview, and to learn to speak a Native language. Students will use the language being studied for greetings and daily routines, become familiar with its writing and sound system, and practice basic vocabulary and phrases. Students will also use information technology during course-related activities.

Prerequisite: None

Native Languages: Ojibwe                         Level 2 – LNOBO                                       1 Credit

This course will enable students to experience the unique respect for life that permeates Native languages and cultures. Students will expand their vocabulary and knowledge of phrases and expressions, using them in simple dialogues, narrative writing, grammatical constructions, and reading, and to exchange information electronically. This course is open to any student who has successfully completed at least four years of elementary Native languages study, has successfully completed NL1, or demonstrates the required proficiency.

Prerequisite: At least 4 years of study of a Native Language in elementary school, successful completion of NL1, or demonstrated proficiency

Native Languages: Ojibwe                          Level 3 – LNOCO                                      1 Credit


This course will provide students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of a Native language and of Native philosophy, spirituality, and values, and to enhance their identity and self-worth. Students will communicate by using a variety of phrases and expressions, create short conversations, skits, stories, and narratives, use information technology, and develop an awareness of the structural and functional workings of a Native language. This course is open to students who have successfully completed NL2 or who can demonstrate the required proficiency.

Prerequisite: Native Languages, Level 2, Open, or demonstrated proficiency


Native Languages: Ojibwe                          Level 4 – LNODO                                         1 Credit


This course will provide students with opportunities to further develop their knowledge of Ojibwe language and of Native philosophy, spirituality, and values, and to enhance their sense of identity and self-worth. Students will increase their vocabulary and improve their facility in using idioms, and will use the Native language to analyze literature, discuss various issues that affect the local community, and exchange information electronically.

Prerequisite: Native Languages, Level 3, Open, or Demonstrated Proficiency

Native Languages: Ojibwe                         Level 5 – LNOEO                                                        1 Credit


This course provides students with opportunities to increase their knowledge of a Native Language and culture. Students will increase their vocabulary; use complex language patterns and formal language; and use the Native language to analyse literature, discuss issues (e.g., economic development, personal development), and study Native customs, traditions, and worldviews. They will examine differences in dialects while communicating with others electronically.

Prerequisite: Native Languages, Level 4, Open, or Demonstrated Proficiency


Nbisiing Secondary School

469B Couchie Memorial Drive, North Bay Ontario, P1B 8G5

Phone: 705-497-9938

Fax: 705-497-0389

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