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e-Nimkii - FIRST Robotics
2013 - 2014 is the year in which Nbisiing began their voyage into robotics. With over 100 hours of labours, the Nbisiing team 5035 "e-Nimkii" made their robot in time. March 27th to the 29th, e-Nimkii will be at Nipissing University showcased their robot in the FIRST Robitics Canada North Bay regional event.


Sheldon & politician Anthony Rota

Phillip, William, & Kye
Left to Right

Mentor James Horner & Mathew



Working Away
Left to Right: Mentor Emily Gray, Sheldon, Mathew, & William

Members of e-Nimkii
with (left to right) Dr. Lorna Williams, Chief of Nipissing First Nations Marianne Couchie, and member of the Order of Canada Verna Kirkness

e-Nimkii with their first robot
This picture was taken at the Bag 'N' Tag event just after the team finished building the robot. The Team needed to finish by midnight and thankfully made the deadline!
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